Saturday, July 30, 2011

North Carolina lawmakers pass abortion law over veto

Read this article here in full that was published on and tell me if you agree and what your stand point is on this issue!
Women seeking an abortion in North Carolina will have to wait 24 hours, receive counseling and be presented with an ultrasound image of the fetus under an informed consent law passed on Thursday over the governor's objections.
Democratic Governor Beverly Perdue had vetoed the measure. But the state Senate voted on Thursday to override the veto, two days after the House of Representatives took similar action, which means the bill is now law and will take effect in October.
North Carolina joins 25 other states that require pre-abortion counseling that goes beyond basic medical "informed consent," according to Elizabeth Nash, public policy associate with Guttmacher Institute in Washington.
It is the tenth state to include the additional requirement of an ultrasound, which has drawn legal challenges in several states, Nash said.
The North Carolina law will require that an ultrasound image be presented and the sound of the fetal heartbeat be offered, though a woman is free to look away and ignore an explanation and medical description of what is on the screen.
Perdue, a Democrat and North Carolina's first female governor, vetoed the bill on June 27. In her veto message, she called the legislation a "dangerous intrusion into the confidential relationship that exists between women and their doctors."
Republican Representative Ruth Samuelson, the primary sponsor of the bill, has defended it as providing crucial information for women who are making a major and irrevocable decision.
North Carolina's General Assembly had been relatively moderate among Southern states in regulating abortion, but momentum for change grew last November when Republicans took control of both legislative chambers for the first time in more than a century.
Paige Johnson, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood of Central North Carolina, said this week that women don't need "state-scripted" counseling before they consent to a procedure they have already considered.
"Women give this decision great thought, and these legislators have passed legislation that assumes women are not capable of making this decision," Johnson said.
According to the latest figures available from the Guttmacher Institute, there were 33,140 abortions in North Carolina in 2008.
(Edited by Colleen Jenkins and Greg McCune)

I personally think that counseling is a good idea but to force a woman to listen to a fetal heartbeat on a sonogram is a little over the top. I just feel like they are using a tactic that is unfair to a woman. I know how I felt the first time I heard all three of my boys heartbeats...there is nothing like that moment. Now, imagine someone doing that to you when you had no intention on carrying that fetus to term. How do you think it would make them feel? I just think it is going to force alot of woman to chose motherhood when they are clearly not ready. In turn, allowing for more children to end up on the news as abused or dead! Roe vs Wade existed for this reason...give a woman a choice. I am sure that each and every woman who has every had an abortion has had to deal with the guilt of it at some point in their lives but can you imagine the guilt the state will have on their hands when that child they seemed to have forced on a woman is found beaten or dead. I don't know! This topic is just way too controversial! But these are still my two cents...and they count!

Come and dicuss the topic here with us on Mommy's Links!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

5 Things We Hate About Ourselves That He May Love

I read alot of different articles online and I came across this one and thought I would share it with you. So often we hate the imperfections in our bodies and we always think that a man will hate them too! But do they really? Do they care about the things that make us crazy about our bodies? According to this article, "5 "Imperfections" That Guys Find Totally Hot", here are five things that we might hate about ourselves that they love:

  1. Hook Nose
  2. Chubby Tummy
  3. Small Breasts
  4. Looking Gross
  5. Gap Teeth
So, looking at this stands out to me big time! Chubby Tummy! I am not a size 2 by any means and my problem zone has always been my tummy...since having my kids.  For me its double the issue because I have a harder time losing my "chubby tummy" because I have had c-sections and having my muscles cut and put back together have left me with a harder to get rid of mid section and a scar! So, to read an article, by a guy, telling me its ok and that they actually love a little extra is reassuring! 

Being in the dating world again has made a lot of these imperfections surface for me. But I am glad that its mostly in my head lol. I mean seriously, I have walked down the street, in sweats and been hit on and have always thought..really? lol..But I guess as women, we want to present the best and so we always feel like we have to be on our "pretty" game.

I am greatful for having read this article and getting an insight on what men really do see when they look at me! They see me!! So, did this help you feel more comfortable with who you are, I know it helped me.

These are my two cents and they count! 

Article can be read in full here: 5 "Imperfection" That Guys Find Totally Hot

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cars 2 Die Cast Set On Sale Now!

Available for a limited time only, as Tink's Treasure of the Week, you can get a Disney's Cars 2 Die Cast Set for only $20! 

I don't know about you but I have three boys and they all love Cars! So, I am going to jump on this awesome deal while I still can. What are you waiting for? Surprise your little guy with this awesome set!  Tink's Treasure of the Week: Cars 2 Die Cast Sets are now $20 at Disney Store. Shop Now!

Jillian Michael's Calorie Control Deal!!

Don't pass this up ladies! I know we all struggle from time to time with weight control, especially after having our little ones! We course every roll of fat, eevry dimple of cellulite and every pair of jeans that just doesn't fit right! But with our crazy lives we never have the time to just do something about it! Well, today that is going to change!

For a short time only, CityDeals is offering you the opportunity to buy a 30 Deay Supply of Jillian Michael's Maximum Calorie Control for $13 ($50 Value).

Here are some of the perks on what this supplement can do for you:

With Jillian Michael's Extremem Maximum Strength Calorie Control, you can much more easily reduce your daily caloric intake and encourage faster weight loss.  With this 180 count, 30-day supply, just take 2 capsules before each main meal which will help to metabolize food more efficiently.
On top of the health benefits of the calorie control capsules, this is also the lowest price available for them on the market.  At half the price they are selling at Walmart, what have you got to lose other than weight?
So what are you waiting for, jumpstart your metabolism today! Buy this deal here

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cursive Writing Becoming Extinct?!

I was just reading an article that 42 states are dropping teaching our children cursive! They are going to focus more on keyboard skills than teaching our children to write script! This comes on the brink of research conducted of teachers nationwide in 2009!

Here is my question: Why on Earth would someone ask teachers if our children should be taught cursive and not ask us as parents whether we think it is an essential tool for our kids to learn? Granted it is not math or reading but it is a tool. And yes, I do agree that in this day of technology that writing is becoming prehistoric, it is still a skill that should be taught. My thinking on these teachers who thought this was the best decision is they don't want to strain to read our kids work, because we all know some of the penmanship they have is atrocious! Was this to make their work easier? I have to think that was a main factor in their decision. I mean next thing you know the class is not going to even be taught keyboard technique on a computer, they are just going to change it to a texting technique class!

Though the article does not state with 42 states are actually changing their standards, I have to hope the my state of NY is smart enough to realize we have enough people immigrating from other countries that can't even read, let alone write proper alphabet and here we are ready to dismiss another integral part of developing motor skills are children need! This is obviously just my two cents, but they damn well do count!


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